Scriptural Poetry


$ by Kenneth Hoeck  -- Truth On The Web Ministries


Nascent Globe
Pirouetting Alone
Abysmal Gloom
Sonant Word
Radiant Light
Setting Dawning
Form Fill
Dead Ringer
Infused Vigor
Replenish Subdue
Hallowed Repose

Copyright ©2004 Kenneth Michael Hoeck

This poem was written concerning Genesis 1:1-2:3,27 and contains only two words each line.

Nascent Globe = Gen1:1
Pirouetting Alone = Gen 1:2
Abysmal Gloom = Gen 1:2
Sonant Word = Gen 1:3
Radiant Light = Gen 1:3
Setting Dawning = the 6 Evening and Mornings Gen 1:5,8,13, 19, 23, 31
Form Fill = Each part of the world he first formed it then filled it. Sea, Skies (firmament), Land.  Fish & sea creatures, Birds/fowl, animals then man.  Gen 1:6-31
Dead Ringer = Made in His image Gen 1:27
Infused Vigor = Gen 1:26, 27 Gen 2:7 He breathed Life into us
Replenish Subdue = Gen 1:28
Hallowed Repose = Gen 2:2,3 rested the Sabbath Day and made it holy.


Sincerely, K. M. Hoeck  – A Poet Servant for God