Truth On The Web

An E-zine For The Church Of God

Issue Date: 12/16/06

Informing and edifying the people of God on topics of interest such as the United Nations, the NWO, the ecumenical movement, the feminizing of God, the apostate church(es), notable quotations, historical events and other relevant and sometimes irrelevant subjects which otherwise "eclipse" the truth.  Jeremiah 10:2  Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 
-- Electronic Clipz, Everything Clipz, Edifying Clipz, Evangelizing Clipz, El Clipz, Etcetera Clipz ... but you can call it E-Clipz ...Bringing light to those in darkness. Luke 1:79  To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death For a free subscription to Truth On The Web Ministries E-Clipz send an e-mail to totw@truthontheweb.org

This Edition of E-Clipz is also attached as a text file and may also be read in HTML format online at http://www.truthontheweb.org/NwsClpz/121606.htm

Babel Babble
The movie "Babel" led its competition with seven Golden Globe nominations, including best dramatic picture.

The movie focuses on the separation of people by continents, cultures and languages. It contains graphic nudity, violence and language and will not make good Christian fare for sure.

Peter Rainer, film critic of The Christian Science Monitor, wrote: '"Babel" is as pretentious as its title. Loosely designed as a modern version of the story of the Tower of Babel, it might more accurately have been called Babble. Not only is there a surfeit of scenes with people talking and talking; there are four separate narratives that are supposed to interlock, but never really do."
Sandrine Marques (critic on Plume Noire -translated into English by Anji Milanovic) wrote: "A pure screenwriter film, Babel sins precisely through its artificial device and its permanent blackmail of emotion. Too manufactured, the writing compartmentalizes the humanistic and political propositions and reduces the film to a simple stylistic demonstration. Nonetheless the film knows how to be loved, and won't let go of your hand, for fear that you miss the moral of the story. In other words, the masterly proof of incommunicability and intolerance among people. ... Pontificating to the extreme, Babel does not need divine intervention to see its beautiful work bury itself: it crumbles right under our impotent eyes."
Greeks & Romans
The leader of all the Greek Orthodox and the leader of the Roman Catholics met this week at the Vatican. The historic ecu-meeting between Archbishop Christodoulos and Benedict XVI affirmed the collaboration of the two churches. The Greek Archbishop asked the Pope to return a piece of the Parthenon held in the Vatican Museums and the Pontiff said he would consider the request. The two worshipped together and jointly declared to work toward unity, to defend “the Christian roots of the European continent” and called on scientists to respect human life “from conception to natural death."  Their joint statement said, “We believe that all religions have a particular role to play in preserving world peace and that these [religions] should not develop into breeding grounds for intolerance and violence.”

Benedict XVI called for growth in "pastoral collaboration." He said, "Catholics and Orthodox are called to offer their cultural and, above all, their spiritual contribution. They have the duty to defend the Christian roots of the Continent (Europe), which have forged it in the course of the centuries ..."

Christodoulos flattered the Pope saying, "We come to visit the eminent theologian and university professor, the assiduous researcher of ancient Greek thought and of the Greek Fathers of the East; but also
the visionary of Christian unity and cooperation of religions to ensure the peace of the whole world."  Christodoulos pointed out “the need for collaboration of religions, and not only between the Christian churches.”
Eastern Vatican?
A press release posted on PRWEB said that the 'Committee to Save Mt. Zion' is warning the public that "the Mt. Zion complex in Jerusalem may be handed over to the Vatican as a political gift to the Pope, ending Jewish sovereignty to the Tomb of King David, a traditional site of pilgrimage for persons of all religions and backgrounds; the Catholic Church has been seeking ownership of the location since 1920."

The statement said, in part :"We speak for Jews, Protestants and even Muslims that all revere the site as a place of pilgrimage, we don't want the Catholic Church to seize what has been a site of pilgrimage and turn it into the Eastern Vatican," said, Rick Halpern, a developer who is voluntarily working to restore major adjoining areas of Mt. Zion. He added, "We are having emergency meetings with members of the Jerusalem City Council, and we will use all democratic and legal means to oppose any agreement with the Vatican over the area in, around, or above the traditional Tomb of King David."

On the Net: Download this press release as an Adobe PDF document.
Historical Happenings

December 10

1520 - German reformer Martin Luther publicly burned Pope Leo X's bull, "Exsurge Domine," which had demanded that Luther recant his "protestant" heresies, including that of justification by faith alone rather than through purchased indulgences or other papal favors
1593 - Italian archaeologist Antonio Bosio first descended into the subterranean Christian burial chambers, located under the streets of Rome. Bosio was dubbed the "Columbus of the Catacombs," and his books long remained the standard work on the underground tombs of the early Roman Church
1854 - The second construction of the structure known as St Paul's Outside the Walls was consecrated. The church is one of four major basilicas in Rome. The original edifice was erected by Roman emperor Constantine in 324, and rebuilt as a larger basilica in the late fourth century by the Emperor Honorius (395)
1898 - Spanish-American War ends; US acquires Philippines, PR & Guam
1926 - Part 2 of Hitler's Mein Kampf published [reputedly written by a Jesuit and not Hitler himself]
1948 - UN General Assembly adopts Universal Declaration of Human Rights
1963 - Zanzibar becomes independent within British Commonwealth

December 11

0384 - Damasus I ends his reign as Catholic Pope
1419 - 'Heretic' Nicolaas Serrurier exiled from Florence
1524 - Henry Van Zutphen, Dutch protestant martyr, burned at stake
1620 - 103 Mayflower pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock (12/21 NS)
1640 - English Puritans introduced the "Root and Branch" petition to the Long Parliament in London. It demanded the English episcopacy, "with all its dependencies, roots and branches, be abolished." (The imagery comes from Malachi 4:1.)
1931 - British Statute of Westminster gives complete legislative independence to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland, Newfndlnd
1937 - Italy withdraws from League of Nations
1941 - Germany & Italy declare war on US
1946 - UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) established (Nobel 1965)
1975 - The Central American Mission changed its name to CAM Intentional, after expanding its missionary efforts into Latin America. (This evangelical mission group was founded in 1890 by C.I. Scofield, editor of the Scofield Bible.)
1981 - UN Sec Council chose Javier Perez de Cuellar of Peru as 5th Secretary-General
1983 - 1st visit to Lutheran church by a pope (John Paul II in Rome)

December 12

1098 - 1st Crusaders capture and plunder Mara, Syria
1479 - Jews are expelled from Schlettstadt Alsace by Emperor Frederick III
1524 - Pope Clement VII approves Organization of Jewish Community of Rome
1666 - The Moscow Council deposed Russian Orthodox Patriarch Nikon, 61. The church synod had sought to bring an end to the struggle between Czar Alexis and Patriarch Nikon, but the antagonism, begun as a call for liturgical reform, ultimately grew into a struggle over the relationship between church and state.
1712 - The South Carolina colony passed a "Sunday Law" requiring "all...persons whatsoever" to attend church each Sunday, to refrain from skilled labor, and to do no traveling by horse or wagon beyond the necessary. Infractions of this law were met with a 10-shilling fine and/or a two-hour lockup in the village stocks. For more on Sunday law see Sabbath Commandment Vs Sunday Law at http://www.truthontheweb.org/sunday.htm
1769 - Pope Clement XIV proclaims a universal jubilee
1791 - Bank of the US opens
1800 -Washington DC established as capitol of US
1808 - The Bible Society of Philadelphia was organized, the first of its kind in America. Rev. William White was elected first president of the new organization, whose purpose it was to promote and distribute the Scriptures.
1932 - USSR & China resume diplomatic relations
1946 - UN accepts 6 Manhattan blocks as a gift from John D Rockefeller Jr
1959 - UN Committee on Peaceful Use of Outer Space is established
1963 - Kenya gains independence from Britain (National Day)
1974 - Pope Paul VI announced his intention of canonizing Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton (1774-1821), who had founded the first free Catholic school in the U.S. as well as the religious order known as the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph.

December 13

1204 - Death of Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon), 69, medieval Jewish scholar and author. His greatest writing, "Guide of the Perplexed" (1190) attempted to harmonize Aristotelian philosophy with rabbinic Judaism.
1294 - Pope Coelestinus V dies
1545 - Council of Trent (19th ecumenical council) opens (by Pope Paul III )
1621 - Emperor Ferdinand II delegates 1st anti-Reformation decree
1843 - "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens published, 6,000 copies sold. An obvious attempt to eradicate the last anti-catholic sentiments by endearing people to a Catholic created holiday.
1920 - League of nations (precursor to the UN) establishes Intl Court of Justice in The Hague

December 14

0867 - Adrian II begins his reign as Catholic Pope
0872 - Adrian II, Italian Pope (867-72)/last married pope, dies at about 80
0872 - John VIII begins his reign as Catholic Pope
1799 - George Washington dies at Mt Vernon VA, at 67
1946 - UN General Assembly votes to establish UN HQs in NYC
1950 - UN General Assembly establishes High Comm for Refugees (Nobel 1954)

December 15

0687 - Sergius I begins his reign as Catholic Pope
1124 - Chancellor Haimeric selects pope (Lamberto becomes Honorius II)
1558 - Dutch Anabaptist reformer Menno Simons wrote in a letter:
'Wherever there is a pulverized and penitent heart, there grace also is, and wherever there is a voluntary confession not gained by pressure, there love covereth a multitude of sins.'
1791 - Bill of Rights ratified when Virginia gave its approval
1918 - American Jewish Congress holds it's 1st meeting
1961 - Adolf Eichmann convicted of crimes against humanity in Israel
1973 - US Psychiatrist say homosexuals are not mentally ill
1990 - More than 400 American Roman Catholic theologians charged that the Vatican had been throttling church reforms and imposing "an excessive Roman centralization." They contended that the Vatican had undercut a greater role for women, slowed the ecumenical drive for Christian unity and undermined the collegial functioning of national conferences of bishops.

December 16

0882 - John VIII dies -ending his reign as Catholic Pope
0882 - Marinus I begins his reign as Catholic Pope
1538 - King Francois I orders renewed pursuit of Protestants
1631 - Mount Vesuvius, Italy erupts, destroys 6 villages & kills 4,000.
1719 - Adrian "Aart" van Wijck, Dutch theologist (anti-jansenism), dies at 78
1773 - Boston Tea Party, a group of Massachusetts colonists disguised as Mohawk Indians board three British tea ships, and dump 342 chests of tea into the harbor. The British had legally given the East India Company a monopoly on the American tea trade by greatly lowering its tea tax. Many colonists viewed the act as another example 'taxation without representation'.
1893 - Anton Dvorak's "New World Symphony" premieres
1915 - Albert Einstein publishes his "General Theory of Relativity"
1916 - Grigori Rasputin, a powerful Russian monk, murdered
1969 - Brit House of Commons votes 343-185 abolishing the death penalty
1976 - Andrew Young named Ambassador & Chief US Delegate to UN
1976 - Government halts swine flu vaccination program following reports of paralysis
1978 - Ronald Reagan denounces President Jimmy Carter's recognition of China PR
1991 - UN reverses 1975 ruling that Zionism is racism by 111-25 (13 abstain) vote
Great White Buffalo
The Woodland Zoo in Farmington, Pa.,will be hosting a naming ceremony December 23rd for the rare white buffalo born on the site this past November 12th. Many Native American tribes will have representatives present. One expert said that a white buffalo was a one in 10 million occurrence but it seems to be getting more frequent than that estimate. There are several white buffalo presently alive in the US including seven on one breeding ranch in Arizona.

White Buffalo are considered to be sacred signs in several Native American religions, and thus have great spiritual importance in those cultures, and are visited for prayer and other religious ceremonies. They believe the birth of a white buffalo is a sign of the return of a prophetess called the White Buffalo Calf Woman who carries the message :"Have communication with the Creator through prayer with clear intent for Peace, Harmony and Balance for all life living in the Earth Mother."
Out of the Closet Pastor
Another evangelical pastor admits homosexuality and abdicates his position in Colorado church. Paul Barnes (54), the founding pastor of Grace Chapel in Englewood, had a video tape played for his congregation in which he confessed that he had engaged in homosexual sex and was stepping down. According to Associated Press, Barnes told his congregation that he has struggled with homosexuality since childhood and often "cried myself to sleep, begging God to take this away."
WCG Allows Women Pastors
After nearly three years of effort, a ten part study paper series and a 27 minute video, the apostate WCG's Pastor-General, Joseph Tkach Jr, has announced that women may be appointed as elders and pastors. "Just as Paul counseled slaves to be obedient without endorsing slavery itself, he counseled women to be submissive in Ephesus without intending to make that social situation permanent. Just as we accept his policies about widows (1 Tim. 5:3-16) as temporary, so we accept his policies about women in church leadership as temporary." The new doctrine concluded that "based on local circumstances and an individual’s characteristics, women may be ordained as elders and appointed as pastors."

On The Net: http://www.wcg.org/women.htm
Is One Just As Good As Another ? 
[submitted by Sam & Faye Stamper, MI]
When you were seeking a wife or husband --Was one just as good as another?
When you last called the doctor --Was one just as good as another?
When he gave you a dose of medicine --Was one just as good as another?
When the pharmacist filled your prescription --Was one ingredient just as good as another?
When you paid the cashier --Was one amount just as good as another?
When you took your wife to the hospital --Was one baby just as good as another?
When the Realtor handed you a deed Was one just as good as another?
When the bank gave you your statement --Was one as good as another?
When you got into your car --Was one just as good as another?
When you caught a bus or train --Was one just as good as another?
When you go to church -- Is one day just as good as another?
When Christ shed His blood for His church (The Church of God) --How can another be as good as it?

Author Unknown

Poet's Corner

This is My Son
This is my Son, In whom I’m well pleased
Listen to Him and do not be grieved,
“Keep my commands, Believe what I say
He is The Light, The Truth and The Way”

What is a man? He’s merely a breath
The wages of sin is ending in death
Divided from God, The serpent had schemed,
He had thought man could not be redeemed

Thus entered sin and sorrow and pain
Yet a’fore all, The Lamb He was slain
Jesus paid all thus healing the rift
Obedience our duty - Life is His gift

This is my Son, in whom I’m well-pleased
The gates of hell – the keys He has seized.
He conquered all – the last which is death
So heed my commands for they’re not requests.

© 2006 Kenneth M. Hoeck  Truth On The Web Ministries

Truth Tracts and XMAS File Links

A couple of our
TRUTH TRACTS © are helping people understand the truth about Christmas and its origins. Just follow the instructions on printing and assembling these little witnessing tools at http://www.truthontheweb.org/tracts.htm

"Was Jesus Born On Dec 25th"  MS WORD DOC http://www.truthontheweb.org/dec25.doc   PDF DOC http://www.truthontheweb.org/dec25.pdf

"The Truth About Christmas"
MS WORD DOC http://www.truthontheweb.org/xmas.doc  PDF DOC http://www.truthontheweb.org/xmas.pdf

Some pages you can read online or print about Christmas and its pagan origins:
The X-Mas Files Vol 1
at http://www.truthontheweb.org/xmasvol1.htm
The X-Mas Files Vol 2
at http://www.truthontheweb.org/xmasvol2.htm
The X-Mas Files Vol 3
at http://www.truthontheweb.org/xmasvol3.htm
The X-Mas Files Vol 4
at http://www.truthontheweb.org/xmasvol4.htm
The X-Mas Files Vol 5
at http://www.truthontheweb.org/xmasvol5.htm
Christmas: The Greatest Story Never Told
http://www.truthontheweb.org/chrismas.htm [by Harold Cormany of Herald Ministries]

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"Blessed Sabbath!"

Love to you all in Christ Jesus ~
Kenneth M. Hoeck

Truth On The Web Ministries www.truthontheweb.org